Teacher evaluation programs supporting teacher development are desirable for teacher effectiveness and improvement (Darling-Hammond, 2013). Portfolio-based teacher development and evaluation programs could be an option, especially for professional growth through reflective practice (Aras, 2020). This paper presents a study of the impact of implementing a data driven portfolio-based teacher evaluation and development program in a Brazilian private language institute in 2021. This CPD and evaluation programme was based on collecting data, setting objectives, devising and implementing  an action plan fostering collaborative reflection and communities of practice aiming at improving teacher efficacy. 

The hybrid investigation featured a qualitative design with a structured survey, semi-structured interviews over the first academic term (16 weeks) of the program implementation, involving a selected group of teachers (20) and branch managers (4).

The findings revealed ongoing support based on relationships during the implementation of the programme was key as supported by Fullan (2020). However, teachers' workload and time constraints need to be considered. 

This presentation outlines the background context where the program was implemented, the description of the study and method, a brief literature review on data driven teacher portfolios for development and evaluation, reflective practice in performance management. It also shares the impact analysis and present findings.  

The presentation concludes with recommendations for the program in the context of study but also sheds light on institutes that intend to adopt a data driven portfolio-based teacher evaluation and development program.