Turn effective managers into inspiring leaders
"School leadership is second only to classroom teaching as an influence on pupil learning.”
- (Leithwood, K., Day, C., Sammons, P., Harris, A. and Hopkins, D. (2006), 'Seven strong claims about successful school leadership')
Our School Leadership CPD training is designed for all professionals who have leadership responsibilities, including those in middle leadership positions (e.g. Heads of Department) as well as those in senior roles (e.g. Head Teachers or Principals).
Our training is grounded in coaching, mentoring and reflective learning, encouraging new approaches and a more inclusive and participatory style of school management. We focus on developing the ability of school leaders to deliver improved learning outcomes and implement their school development plans, with a focus on internationalising their school.
Designed and tested by experts, our bespoke packages cover a wide range of knowledge and skills that underpin excellent school leadership, including:
- Creating strategic direction
- Leading teaching and learning
- Developing and working with others
- Managing resources
- Working in partnership
For more information, please download our Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Framework for school leaders brochure (see Downloads section below).
Work with us to create a bespoke package
We recognise that local ministries, education authorities, agencies and schools are in the best position to understand their school leaders’ professional needs. We can help you to identify the most appropriate modules and design a course that will empower leaders to make a positive and lasting difference to teaching and learning in their schools.