In partnership with the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA), we offer a range of higher education (HE) quality assurance consultancy services to individual HE institutions, globally. This offer includes:

International Quality Review

International Quality Review (IQR) is a great place to start if you want to attract more students, strengthen your global positioning or begin to form long-lasting partnerships with UK institutions.

IQR offers higher education institutions outside the UK the opportunity to have QAA’s evidence-based peer review, which has been developed using our extensive experience of carrying out reviews in the UK and overseas.

Successful reviews enable institutions to demonstrate their own approaches to quality assurance are not only effective, but also comparable with international best practice.

IQR is designed to analyse and reflect on an institution’s quality assurance approaches, to challenge and benchmark these against the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) and support them to drive improvement and excellence in their own quality assurance approach.

International Quality Assurance Programme

The International Quality Assurance Programme (IQAP) provides excellent opportunities to build relationships with delegates across the world, take part in engaging workshops with highly experienced quality assurance leaders, and learn about the UK quality assurance system.

IQAP provides opportunities to:

  • develop existing and new skills relevant to the improvement of quality assurance processes and practice
  • learn about current issues in the strategic management of higher education quality assurance
  • reflect on roles and practices within a wider context of contemporary thinking about higher education and quality assurance
  • learn from other colleagues from around the world working in similar roles but different contexts.

IQAP is a five-day training course designed for professionals from outside the UK who have at least five years’ management experience in higher education quality assurance.