In this fourth policy dialogue, “Hacking the system: computing and technology in schools”, we discussed how education policies are responding to growing demands on digital culture and technology, with special attention to the engagement of girls into STEM areas.
The discussion included the appetite of education systems for STEM initiatives in the region (most participants responded that there was medium to high appetite for these initiatives), and the level of confidence in current STEM programmes, which ranged from low to high. The British Council’s Women in STEM scholarships were also highlighted in the comment below -
"In the British Council, we launched a global scholarship for women in STEM to go to the UK to study master degrees in these fields in the best UK universities. We have seen great demand from women around many countries in Latin America (we had 3000 applications for 48 spots in 2020). Our challenge is to fund enough scholarships so that we can make a difference in STEM fields in terms of representation and leadership".
Andrew Newton, Country Director, British Council, Brazil.
Claudio Silva Furtado, Paraíba’s Secretary of State for Education, Science and Technology, Brazil.
Dennis Palacios, Director of Digital Economy, Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies, Colombia.