Numeracy skills are a strong predictor of life chances. Young people who are good at maths are five times more likely to hold professional employment in adulthood.
Ministries of Education around the world are focused on boosting students' numeracy skills, but boosting maths performance is hard: mixed ability classes typically have a four year gap in maths ability between the highest and lowest achieving students.
What is Maths-Whizz?
The Maths-Whizz suite consists of:
- Maths-Whizz Tutoring Plus: each student has their own login to an online virtual maths tutor, so they get a completely personalised learning experience.
- Maths-Whizz Teacher’s Resource: a library of maths content primarily for use by teachers in the classroom on interactive whiteboards or computer suites. It is teacher-led and ideal for whole-class learning.
Every student receives a Maths Age after initial assessment. Progress, achievement and usage are shown across all topic areas, identifying each student’s strengths and weaknesses and allowing educators to compare progress, achievement and usage between students, classes, schools and school districts all in one central dashboard.
Maths-Whizz is currently used in over 6,000 schools, by over 500,000 students in 13 countries and has been adapted to multiple curriculums, including Mexico and the United States. Each language version takes into account cultural nuances within the lessons.
We offer training and capacity building to support teachers and other stakeholders in learning to integrate these tools into a wide range of learning environments.