About the webinar

Schools all over the Americas, and indeed the world, are becoming more creative in developing solutions to keep students learning amid multiple school closures and the general disruption caused by Covid-19. Many, if not most, of these solutions rely on technology to deliver some form of remote, online learning. 

The British Council has many years of experience in delivering remote classes to students all over the world. For example, in Uruguay, the British Council has been working in partnership with Plan Ceibal to cater for the lack of trained and qualified English language teachers in the country, project managing the remote teaching of 80,000 primary schoolchildren aged 8- 11. During the last 5 years, we have learned a lot about what makes a good remote teacher, and in this webinar, we’ll look at how best teachers can adapt to the new situation they now find themselves in. Amongst other things, we will look at getting started, technology tips, and engaging students online. We  will also share some findings that are also supported by the publication Remote Teaching (British Council, 2019), a book of research and case studies. 

Watch a recording of the webinar below

About the speakers

Until recently, Graham Stanley was British Council Uruguay Country Director, helping to manage the delivery of weekly English lessons to 100,000 primary state school students via videoconferencing. He is editor of Remote Language Teaching, a book of research papers and case studies published by the British Council in 2019.

Webinar slides

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