The key speakers for New Directions 2019 included key thought leaders, policy makers, educational experts and tertiary education institute leaders in the field of English Language Assessment.

Plenary sessions
Professor Barry O´Sullivan, Senior Adviser, English Language Assessment, British Council (UK) - Title: Localisation in Learning Systems
Adriana Abad, Director of the Universidad Veracruzana Language Centres (Mexico) - Title: A Mexican Assessment Adventure
Dr. Patricia Grounds, Language Assessment Specialist and Consultant (Mexico) - Title: A Mexican Assessment Adventure
Professor Constant Leung, Professor of Educational Linguistics in the School of Education, Communication and Society, King’s College London (UK) - Title: Englishes and multilingual practices – New challenges for language assessment?
Professor James Purpura, Professor of Linguistics and Education in the Applied Linguistics and TESOL Program at Teachers College, Columbia University (USA) - Title: Insights Gained from Using a Learning-Oriented Approach to Scenario-Based Assessment Design
Richard Spiby, Test Development Researcher, British Council, London (UK) - Title: A Practical Introduction to Statistics in Language Assessment
Liliana Sanchez, Country Exams Manager, British Council, Mexico (Mexico) - Title: How Language Assessment Works
Professor Constant Leung, Professor of Educational Linguistics in the School of Education, Communication and Society, King’s College London (UK) - Title: The Usefulness of Participatory Action Research for Language Assessment